Hong Kong 2006
Chapter 14:
The Environment
Administrative Framework
Pollution Prevention
Cross-boundary Cooperation
Legislation and Pollution Control
Air Pollution
Indoor Air Quality
Water Quality and Sewerage
Waste Management
Government Laboratory
Terrestrial Fauna
Marine Fauna
Legislation and Nature Conservation
Protected Areas
Topography and Geology
Hydrography and Oceanography
Meteorological Services
Home Pages
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
Table of Contents Constitution and Administration The Legal System The Economy Financial and Monetary Affairs Commerce and Industry Employment Education Health Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries Social Welfare Housing Land, Public Works and Utilities Transport The Environment Travel and Tourism Public Order Communications, the Media and Information Technology Religion and Custom Recreation, Sport and the Arts Population and Immigration History Appendices PRINT
Legislation and Nature Conservation

The Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, who is also the Country and Marine Parks Authority, is responsible for the conservation of terrestrial and marine ecological resources, and for the enforcement of legislation on nature conservation issues.

The Forests and Countryside Ordinance provides for the general protection of vegetation and gives special protection to certain rare plants, including native camellias, magnolias, orchids, azaleas and the Chinese New Year flower.

The Wild Animals Protection Ordinance prohibits hunting and the sale or export of protected wild animals taken in Hong Kong. It also restricts entry to three important wildlife habitats that are designated as 'restricted areas' under the ordinance: the Mai Po Marshes, the Yim Tso Ha Egretry and the green turtle nesting beach at Sham Wan.

The Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance imposes controls on the import, introduction from the sea, export, re-export and possession of endangered species in order to prevent their over-exploitation.

The Country Parks Ordinance provides for the designation, control and management of country parks and special areas for nature conservation, education and scientific research purposes. Country parks can also be designated for compatible recreation and tourism uses.

The Marine Parks Ordinance provides for the designation, protection and management of marine parks and marine reserves for nature conservation, education and scientific research purposes. Recreational activities such as swimming and diving are allowed in marine parks.

Besides general conservation of the countryside, the Government has been identifying and conserving sites of special scientific interest, such as natural habitats of rare plants or animals, through exercising strict development controls. In all, 65 sites have been listed.

The Fisheries Protection Ordinance provides for the regulation of fishing practices and the prevention of destructive fishing activities such as using explosive or toxic substances for the purpose of fishing.

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