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Land Management and Lease Enforcement

The Lands Department manages properties which reverted to government's ownership through voluntary surrender, resumption, expiry of government leases, and re-entry or vesting actions under various ordinances. During the year, 15 new properties have been taken over for management, 15 properties were disposed of and 10 let on short-term basis.

Identification of the parties responsible for maintenance of registered man-made slopes is also an ongoing exercise being undertaken by the Lands Department in association with the slope registration system operated by the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department. The public can visit Lands Department's website to identify the parties responsible for the maintenance of registered man-made slopes. The Slope Maintenance Responsibility Information System on the Internet has been enhanced with an option to display information in simplified Chinese characters in addition to traditional Chinese characters and English.

The Lands Department is responsible for maintaining about 17 100 man-made slopes on government land that are not allocated to other maintenance departments. The Slope Maintenance Section of the Lands Department, with the assistance of private consultants, carries out regular inspections on these slopes and employs contractors to undertake routine maintenance works and, where required, stabilisation works. The works are prioritised according to the level of risk posed to life and properties in the event of landslides. During 2004, routine works were carried out on 5 100 slopes and stabilisation works on 168 slopes.

The Lands Department administers the Small House Policy to meet the housing needs of indigenous villagers in the New Territories. District Lands Offices grant indigenous villagers permission to build small houses and approve the rebuilding of old village houses. They also issue short-term tenancies, short-term waivers or government land licences for rebuilding temporary domestic structures.

On the control and enforcement fronts, the Lands Department exercises its authority under the Land (Miscellaneous Provision) Ordinance and the Summary Offences Ordinance and takes enforcement action which include the prosecution of offenders against illegal occupation, dumping, excavation, cultivation or other forms of trespass on government land. The Department has also participated in joint actions against Dengue Fever and Japanese Encephalitis and 2 600 operations were conducted in 2004 for the removal of vegetation and stagnant water on government land. In addition, a total of 810 letters were issued to warn holders of government leases principally in respect of unauthorised conversion of permitted uses.

The Lands Department, in collaboration with the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, continued to operate the scheme for the display of non-commercial publicity materials or banners at 22 371 designated spots in public places.

