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Planning Studies

Studies completed by the Planning Department during the year included: South Lantau and Mui Wo Development — Feasibility Study; 2003 Thematic Survey on Hong Kong Resident's Experience of and Aspirations for Living in the Mainland; and Survey on Hong Kong People Living and Working in the Pearl River Delta Region.

The ongoing studies carried out by the Planning Department include Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy; Study on Planning for Pedestrians; Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong; and a Study to Examine Ways to Centralise and Disseminate Planning Data.

Studies during the year included: Area Improvement Plan for Tsim Sha Tsui — Feasibility Study; the Study on the Development of Employment Projection Model for Strategic Land Use Planning; Kai Tak Planning Review; Feasibility Study on Further Development of Tseung Kwan O; Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment System; and the Study on the Costs & Benefits of Building Rehabilitation and Redevelopment in the Urban Renewal Process.

Several surveys were also launched during the year to collect statistical data for planning use, including the Survey on Occupancy of Recently Completed Housing Unit; the Commercial and Industrial Floor Space Utilisation Survey; the Survey on Shopping Habits; and the 2004 Supplementary Survey of Cross Boundary Travel.

The department also worked on several major development proposals/studies, notably, Kai Tak Planning Review; the Central Reclamation Phase III; Wan Chai Development Phase II; Further Development of Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study; the Penny's Bay Development to facilitate Hong Kong Disneyland Phase I; Feasibility Study on Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment System; and the Study on Spa and Resort Facilities.

