Constitution and Administration
Role of the Chief Executive
The System of Government - Executive Council
The System of Government - Legislative Council
The System of Government - District Administration
The Electoral System
HKSAR's External Affairs
Working Relationship of the HKSARG with the MFA Office
Working Relationship with the Mainland Authorities
Office of the HKSAR Government in Beijing
Advisory and Statutory Bodies
Structure of the Administration
The Civil Service
Official Languages
Government Records Service
Office of The Ombudsman
Office of the Director of Audit
Home Pages
Office of the HKSAR Government in Beijing

One of the main roles of the Beijing Office is to further enhance liaison and communication between the HKSAR Government and the CPG and other Mainland authorities.

Through its liaison work, the Beijing Office updates the CPG, other Mainland authorities, and Mainland residents on the latest developments of the HKSAR. It enables the HKSAR Government to have a better understanding of the policies and practices in the Mainland and to evaluate their possible implications on Hong Kong. On the basis of the instructions of the relevant bureaux and departments of the HKSAR Government, the Beijing Office also takes necessary action with the Mainland authorities on specific issues. Other functions of the office include providing logistical support to visiting delegations of the HKSAR Government, disseminating information on Hong Kong to, and handling enquiries about Hong Kong from, the public in the Mainland, and dealing with requests for assistance from Hong Kong residents in the Mainland. In 2004, the office handled a total of 407 trade, economic and general enquiries and requests for assistance.

Another major task of the office is to promote Hong Kong's business and professional sectors in the Mainland. In 2004, the office organised three major events in Jilin, Chongqing and Tianjin promoting Hong Kong's financial and professional services, tourism, logistics, infrastructure and professional building services, inward investment, as well as various trades and industries. The Beijing Office also maintains close contact with the Beijing Organising Committee for the XXIX Olympiad and observes the preparation of the ExPo 2010 Shanghai China, to up-date Hong Kong on business opportunities arising from these global events.

During the year, the Beijing Office continued to broadcast a weekly radio programme to keep residents in the southern part of the Mainland abreast of the latest developments in Hong Kong. The Cantonese programme has an estimated audience of about 1.5 million.

In addition, the Beijing Office handles immigration-related matters. It processes applications for entry to Hong Kong and conducts negotiations on visa-free access with foreign diplomatic missions in Beijing. The office also provides assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress in the Mainland. During the year, the office handled 297 such cases.
