Communications, the Media and Information Technology
The Mass Media
Information Policy
Information Services Department
Promoting Hong Kong Overseas
Government Home Pages on the Internet
Code on Access to Information
Protection of Privacy with Respect to Personal Data
Information Technology
Film Industry
Postal Services
Home Pages
Information Services Department

The Information Services Department (ISD) serves as the Government's public relations consultant, news agency, publisher and advertising agent. It provides the link between the Administration and the media and, through the latter, enhances public understanding of government policies, decisions and activities.

The department is organised into four divisions: Local Public Relations, Publicity and Promotions, Public Relations Outside Hong Kong, and Administration. At year-end, it had a staff of 460, of whom 282 were Information Grade officers. A significant number of these information officers — 175 — operate outside ISD headquarters to provide information, publicity and public relations services to policy bureaux and their departments.

The ISD has been progressively implementing an information system to improve the quality of its services through computer links. It issues press releases to news organisations through the computerised Government News Information System and to the public through the Government Information Centre (GIC) (www.gov.hk), the Government's Internet home page. The GIC also provides links to more than 150 home pages of government agencies and related organisations. The Digital Photo System allows news organisations to search online and download government photographs round-the-clock.

Major government press conferences and briefings — particularly those given by the Chief Executive, the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary — are webcast live on the Internet, and the proceedings kept for reference in a video archive that is accessible through the GIC. Major events such as the annual Policy Address by the Chief Executive and the Budget Speech by the Financial Secretary are also webcast live in Chinese and English.

During 2004, the Government's e-bulletin, news.gov.hk, posted almost 7 900 news stories and features. It also developed and posted dozens of short videos to its Reel HK page, and about 100 new image collections to its Photo Gallery page. Visitors to the site can sign up to receive free daily e-mails of news summaries, weekly City Life alerts and weekly HK for Kids updates. The bulletin currently has more than 5 100 subscribers.

During the year, news.gov.hk attracted more than 1 million visitors and nearly 90 million hits.

Local Public Relations Division

The division oversees the work of Information Grade officers seconded to government bureaux and departments. It identifies and monitors controversies and advises these officers in helping their client bureaux and departments to formulate and develop public relations strategies. It also coordinates the officers' work regarding complex issues to ensure consistency. It has responsibility for the overall management of Information Grade officers in the units and ensures effective deployment and utilisation of staff resources.

While some Information Grade officers serve as Press Secretaries to Directors of Bureaux, most are seconded to 36 information units operating in government bureaux and departments. These units work closely with ISD headquarters on information, public relations and publicity aspects concerning the work of their bureaux or departments. They play a major role in maintaining the flow of information and helping to improve relations with the public.

The News Sub-division maintains direct contact with the media on a 24-hour basis. It disseminates government information to 63 newspapers, news agencies, television and radio stations, and other organisations. The sub-division processes press releases in Chinese and English and dispatches them to media organisations through a computerised broadcast system. These press releases are also uploaded simultaneously to the GIC to give the public direct access. The sub-division operates a 24-hour press enquiry service. During typhoons, severe rainstorms or any other emergency, extra teams of officers working in shifts operate a Combined Information Centre to disseminate the latest information on the situation to the media and the public.

The Media Research Sub-division keeps the Government informed of public opinion as expressed in the news media. It produces daily reports summarising news and editorial comment in the Chinese and English press as well as on radio and television. It also produces special reports on subjects of interest to the Government.

Publicity and Promotions Division

The Publicity and Promotions Division assists bureaux and departments in mounting publicity activities locally and outside Hong Kong. It provides strategic advice on planning as well as technical support for implementation. It is also responsible for advertising and much of the Government's publication, creative design and photographic work. The larger local campaigns conducted or supported by the division during the year covered a wide range of subjects: from Brand Hong Kong, Voter Registration, Legislative Council Election, Fire Safety, Road Safety and New ID Card to Prevention of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Dengue Fever, Fight Crime and Promotion of the Basic Law.

The division handles about 5 000 separate titles and produces a wide variety of government publications, including the Hong Kong Annual Report and its Internet version. A large number of free publications such as booklets, leaflets, fact sheets, brochures, posters and government forms are distributed by the division each year. Associated with this output, the division in 2004 sold some 637 470 copies of books and miscellaneous printed items through its sales outlet and online bookstore. The online Government Bookstore, developed under the Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) Scheme, became operational in November 2001. Photographs are also sold by the division. Turnover from all sales amounted to $14.5 million in 2004.

The division also helps organise major promotional activities outside Hong Kong, covering principal cities in target countries. The promotions employ a multi-faceted approach comprising high-level business conferences, keynote addresses, political calls, exhibitions and tourism promotions as well as social, networking and cultural events.

Public Relations Outside Hong Kong Division

The division advises on and helps develop and implement the Government's overseas public relations and communications strategy. The Overseas Public Relations Sub-division works closely with the Government's Economic and Trade Offices (ETOs) to monitor and promote Hong Kong's image overseas, and runs a programme under which journalists are invited to visit Hong Kong to gain a better understanding of the SAR. The sub-division provides services to 94 locally based foreign media organisations and assists visiting journalists seeking information or interviews. It also coordinates the production of promotional material on Hong Kong for distribution worldwide.

The division is connected to the ETOs and the HKSAR Government Office in Beijing through a video conferencing system. It arranges for senior government officials to give briefings on major policy initiatives and issues of current interest to the heads of these offices and their interlocutors such as think tank members, analysts, academics and professionals.

The editorial production team drafts speeches for senior government officials, in particular the Chief Executive, the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary. It also provides writing and editing services for government offices.

The Brand Management Unit is responsible for Brand Hong Kong, the visual identity of the HKSAR. The brand provides a platform for promoting Hong Kong as Asia's world city. This is done through activities organised in conjunction with government departments and the private sector for international audiences overseas and in Hong Kong. The programme serves to showcase Hong Kong's assets as a world-class city and its attractions for visitors and the business community.

The Visits and International Conferences Sub-division runs the department's Sponsored Visitors Programme through which opinion-formers and decision makers are invited to visit Hong Kong as guests of the Government to enhance their understanding of the SAR. The sub-division also arranges visit programmes for other non-sponsored visitors coming to Hong Kong on private visits.

The sub-division runs an Overseas Speakers Programme to reinforce foreign investors' confidence in Hong Kong. Arrangements are made for senior government officials and prominent local personalities to address targeted audiences abroad. The sub-division also assists bureaux and departments in identifying suitable conferences that could be hosted in Hong Kong.

