Hong Kong 2003
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Home Ownership

Sale of Subsidised Flats

Since 1978, over 422 0005 subsidised sale flats have been sold to households of eligible families/persons at discounted prices under the Government's various subsidised home ownership schemes. Among these were the HOS, the PSPS and the Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) under the HKHA. Given the significant changes in the economy and property market over the past few years, the Government believes that home ownership should essentially be a matter of personal choice and affordability. In this respect, the Government has come to the view that it should withdraw from its previous role as direct housing provider and refrain from competing with the private residential market. Furthermore, it should facilitate eligible families/persons to become home owners through the more flexible and well tested means of loans. Accordingly, the HKHA has decided that, with the exception of a limited number of unsold and returned HOS/PSPS flats to be sold to Green Form applicants, the production and sale of HOS/PSPS flats would cease indefinitely from 2003 onwards, and the TPS would halt following the sale of the TPS Phase 6. In November 2003, the HKHA further accepted the Government's proposal for not putting up the above unsold and returned HOS/PSPS flats for sale before the end of 2006 in order to give a clear signal of the determination to minimise the Government's intervention in the property market.

Home Assistance Loan Scheme

Following the withdrawal from the direct provision of subsidised sale flats, the HALS has become the principal means for offering assistance to eligible families/persons aspiring to become home owners. The HALS, with a quota of 10 000 for 2003-04 equally split between White and Green Form applicants, provides home purchase assistance towards down payment and related expenses, in the form of an interest-free loan or monthly mortgage subsidy6, to those who cannot afford to buy a reasonable flat in the private market.

The HKHA will conduct a review of the future of the HALS in the light of enhanced affordability of eligible HALS applicants as a result of availability of competitive mortgage loans in the market and the downward adjustment of property prices since the HALS was conceptualised.


Of the 422 000 flats sold since 1978, 46 900 flats can be traded in the open market as at-end December 2003. These flats are not counted as subsidised sale flats under the current definition.


The three forms of financial assistance available under HALS are as follows —


Family rate

Singleton rate


Basic loan repayable over 20 years




Higher loan repayable over 13 years




Monthly mortgage subsidy for 48 months



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