1 The Executive Council
2 The Second Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3 The District Councils
4 Overseas Representation in Hong Kong (as at November 2002)
5 Hong Kong Representation
6 Statistical Appendices
  Table 1 (a)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GDP by Expenditure Component
GDP by Economic Activity at Current Prices
GDP by Economic Activity at Constant (2000) Prices
  Table 2 Gross National Product (GNP)
  Table 3 Balance of Payments Account
  Table 4 Year-on-year Rates of Change in the Consumer Price Indices
  Table 5 Business Receipts Indices
  Table 6 Public Expenditure by Function
  Table 7 Government Expenditure and the Economy
  Table 8 Total Government Revenue and Expenditure and Summary of Financial Position
  Table 9 Deposits, Loans and Advances of Authorised Institutions
  Table 10 Exchange Rates of the Hong Kong Dollar Against Selected Major Currencies
  Table 11 Money Supply
  Table 12 Exchange Fund Balance Sheet
  Table 13 (a)
Merchandise Trade by Main Country/Territory
Imports, Retained Imports and Re-exports by End-use Category
Domestic Exports by Principal Commodity
  Table 14 Exports and Imports of Services by Major Service Group
  Table 15 (a)
Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory
Position and Flow of Outward Direct Investment by Major Recipient Country/Territory
  Table 16 (a)

Number of Companies that are Regional Headquarters by Country/Territory of Incorporation of the Parent Company
Number of Companies that are Regional Offices by Country/Territory of Incorporation of the Parent Company
  Table 17 Labour Force, Labour Force Participation Rate, Unemployment and Underemployment
  Table 18 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged (other than those in the Civil Service) by Industry Sector, and Number of Construction Sites and Manual Workers at Construction Sites
  Table 19 Wage Indices for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Excluding Managerial and Professional Employees) by Industry Sector
  Table 20 Average Wage Rates for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Excluding Managerial and Professional Employees) by Broad Occupational Group and by Industry Sector for September 2002
  Table 21 (a)
Number of Educational Institutions by Type
Number of Students by Type of Educational Institution
  Table 22 Distribution of Educational Attainment of Population Aged 15 and Over
  Table 23 Government Expenditure on Education
  Table 24 Population and Vital Events
  Table 25 Number of Deaths and Death Rate by Leading Cause of Death
  Table 26 Hospital Beds and Registered Medical Personnel
  Table 27 Social Security
  Table 28 Stock of Permanent Quarters and Estimated Persons Accommodated as at Mid 2002
  Table 29 Property Transactions
  Table 30 Land Usage (as at 31 December 2002)
  Table 31 (a)
Electricity Distribution
Gas Distribution (Towngas)
Local Sales of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Water Consumption
  Table 32 (a)
Inward and Outward Movements of Aircraft and Vessels
Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo
Port Container Throughput
Arrivals and Departures of Passengers by Mode of Transport
  Table 33 (a)
Motor Vehicles Licensed by Type
Public Transport: Average Daily Number of Passenger
Journeys by Different Modes of Transport
  Table 34 Meteorological Observations
  Table 35 Environmental Statistics
  Table 36 Visitor Arrivals by Country/Territory of Residence
  Table 37 Traffic Accidents by Area
  Table 38 (a)
Reported Crimes by Type of Offence
Persons Arrested for Crime by Type of Offence
ICAC Cases
  Table 39 Communications and Internet Services
  Table 40 (a)
Penetration of Information Technology in the Household Sector
Usage of Information Technology amongst Household Members
Penetration and Usage of Information Technology in the Business Sector
  Chart 1 Public Expenditure by Function
  Chart 2 Major Sources of Revenue (2001 - 2)
Figures presented in statistical appendices refer to those released up to end April 2003. Readers wishing to obtain current statistical information on Hong Kong are invited to visit the "Hong Kong Statistics" section of the Census and Statistics Department website (http://www.gov.hk/censtatd/eng/hkstat/index.html). The section is regularly updated and it also provides hyperlinks to relevant government websites for facilitating retrieval of other official statistics of Hong Kong.

The following symbols are used throughout the statistical appendices:
# Provisional figures/estimates
@ Figures subject to revision
* Revised figures
- Not applicable
N.A. Not available