
Committed to keeping Hong Kong safe and secure, the Disciplined Services comprise the Hong Kong Police Force, Correctional Services Department, Customs and Excise Department, Fire Services Department, Immigration Department and Government Flying Service. The regular emergency services are augmented by the Auxiliary Medical Service and the Civil Aid Service. These departments operate under the policy direction of the Security Bureau.

HONG KONG is one of the safest cities in the world. The overall crime rate, that is, the total number of crimes per 100 000 population, is lower than Tokyo, Toronto and other metropolitan cities. Although the overall crime rate and the violent crime rate in 2002 increased moderately by 3 per cent and 3.4 per cent respectively compared with 2001, these crime rates were, correspondingly, the fourth lowest and the second lowest in the past 29 years.

    The Government will continue to take vigorous action to maintain law and order by:

  • deploying additional police officers to perform front-line operational duties (over 2 200 additional police officers have been deployed for such duties since 199394);
  • modernising the Police Force in terms of equipment and training as well as application of modern information technology to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in the prevention and detection of crime;
  • strengthening the legal framework to provide the law enforcement agencies with adequate powers to combat crime; and
  • enhancing cooperation with Mainland authorities and overseas law enforcement agencies to combat cross-boundary and transnational criminal activities.

    The Government has continued to participate actively in international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. The international situation and its impact on Hong Kong are closely monitored. While there is no intelligence suggesting that Hong Kong may be the target of a terrorist attack, all law enforcement units nonetheless have to remain vigilant to counter possible threats.